In order to fully enjoy our tour to the Hudson River Valley, it is important that guests understand the terrain they will be navigating. We will typically be walking 4-5 miles a day at a modest pace and traversing uneven ground. Likewise there will be stone steps (at Manitoga there is a 40-step stone stairway) and bridges – not always with a handrail. Sturdy walking shoes are a necessity as is a good sense of balance. Please be sure such paths are ones you can manage independently (i.e. without relying on others for assistance). Why independently? As you review these photos you will see that it won't always be possible for someone to offer you an arm.
The images below were taken on my recent scouting trip and are included to help you determine if this is the right tour for you.

A stone bridge at Stonecrop. It IS possible to avoid traversing this thankfully as it meant ducking under the low branches of a tree to even get this far!!

My friend Jan on a typical walking trail at Stonecrop. The stone steps are uneven, partially obscured by leaves and of varying depth. There is no handrail