Garden Design

Before & After Stories

While a picture is worth 1000 words it is also interesting to hear the story sometimes. Here are just a few of the garden transformations I have had the honor to be a part of recently;

Lawn-Less in Seattle

Foliage First Makeover for a Front Garden

Before & After: Slaying the Beast to Discover the Beauty

Before & After: Front Garden Makeover

Before & After: Evolution of a Transformation

Garden Renovation: a phased approach

From Dreary Rental to Secluded Retreat

Family Garden Makeover

A Garden to Grow Into

Inspired Design -Updating the Front Garden

Re-thinking the Patio

Front Garden Re-Imagined

The Rougher Side of Beautiful

Taming the Front Garden

A Change in Perspective 

Reclaiming the Garden

A Garden of Celebration, Reflection & Healing

If You Think it Looks Good Now

Evolution, Renovation and Rejuvenation – Revisited


And finally discover what is The Role of a Garden Designer – you may be surprised! In fact there was so much I did a follow up post . Here's part 2 all about deck design.