I was the Pacific Northwest regional garden writer for this inspirational site for several years and contributed dozens of design articles and photographs to inspire you

Sunset Plants
I have written many design articles to help homeowners create exciting combinations with this plant collection.

Issue 217, June2024
Deer Food Alternatives: a 12 page article. I also provided most of the photographs

complete guide to fall gardening Magazine
Fall 2021
Autumn Lights - a feature about my fall garden. I was both the writer and photographer

Pacific NW Magazine
October 16th 2021
My Fall Garden - feature titled "A fall garden built around colorful evergreen and deciduous foliage will brighten the darkest days" on my personal garden, written by Lorene Edwards Forkner. My photography.

easy gardens Magazine
Summer 2021
Hostas with the Mostest - I wrote the article and provided photographs

Fine gardening Magazine
Issue 190, September 2019
Deer-Resistant Combinations

Country Gardens Magazine
January 2019
Living Lush- I wrote and produced an article featuring kokedama artist Patricia Ruff.

Proven Winners Blog
July 2018
Mission Impossible? Petunia Conversion!- a humorous look at how I overcame my utterdistaste for petunias, especially pink ones!

National Garden Bureau blog
May 2018
Floral Watercolors - Discover the new horticultural treasures from the 2018 California Spring Trials. Read it here.

Small Space Gardens (Better Homes & Gardens publication)
March 2018
Contain Your Excitement - an update on the article I wrote and produced for Country Gardens in 2015 on growing shrubs in containers

Country Gardens Magazine
Spring 2017
Deer Resistant Container Gardens - an article which I wrote and produced (as well as designing the containers)

Fine Gardening Magazine
Issue 174, April 2017 Plant Picks

Sunset Magazine
December 2016
Northwest Checklist 'Gardens We Love' features one of my designs

101 Container Garden Ideas - Country Gardens Special Interest Publication
August 2016
Includes all my Hot Pots designs from the 2013 Decks, Patios & Outdoor Living magazine article

Fine Gardening Magazine
Issue 170, July - August 2016 Designing a Critter Proof Garden

Perennial Garden Ideas
Spring 2015, Perfect Combinations
An article written about my garden using my photographs

Gardening in the Shade
Spring 2015 Stunning Small Trees
Re-print of my 2013 article for Fine Gardening.

Country Gardens Magazine
Spring 2015 Contain Your Excitement
An article which I wrote and produced on growing fuss-free shrubs in movable pots

This Old House Magazine
June 2014 Uncommon Container Gardens
Article written by editor Ann Stratton and photographed by David Perry featuring my container designs

Fine Gardening Magazine
Issue 156 April 2014 Big Blooms that Don't Flop

Sunset Magazine blog, Westphoria
September 2013 - April 2014 Fall, Winter and Spring Planting Ideas
Co-written and designed with Christina Salwitz.

Gardens West, Prairie Edition
September 2013, Fall Makeovers
Article written by Brian Mintner. Three of my container designs are featured including the cover of the magazine itself.

Garden Design
July 2013, Container CPR; Know the Vitals for Container Success
Interview written by Khara Dizmon. All container designs and tips by me.

Deck, Patio & Outdoor Living
(A Better Homes & Garden Special Publication)
Summer 2013, 'Hot Pots', written by Debra Prinzing, container designs by me

Fine Gardening Magazine
Issue 149, February 2013, '9 Small Trees for Shade'

Fine Gardening Magazine
Issue 146, August 2012, Regional Plant Picks; perennial hole fillers

Fine Gardening Magazine
Issue 145, June 2012, Great Plant Picks; this quirky conifer fits almost anywhere.

Tips for Container Gardening by Fine Gardening
2011. Brimming with 300 essential tips, savvy shortcuts and tried and true techniques , Tips for Container Gardening promises to bring out the bountiful best in all containers, large or small.

Container Gardening by Fine Gardening
Vol. 8 , 2011. this special publication includes my article Style in the Shade. Low light needn't cramp your creativity or limit your plant choices.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Assoc.
July 2010. The WOW Factor - container gardening at it's best. Tired of the usual combinations? Try something new and go from wimpy to wow in no time.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Assoc.
July 2010. Landscaping on a Tight Budget. When the budget is low but the ideas are big follow these four steps to stretch the dollars you have.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Assoc.
April 2009. No Budget? No problem! Enjoy a fabulous garden without breaking the bank.

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Assoc.
April 2009. Holiday Containers. Create simple seasonal containers to welcome your guests; you probably have everything you need already at home.

Fine Gardening Magazine
Issue 124, December 2008. Stylish Shady Containers; low light doesn't have to cramp your creativity or plant choices. Read article

Washington State Nursery & Landscape Assoc.
July 2008. Fabulous plant Combinations. Take the mystery out of creating eye-catching vignettes with my easy ideas and suggestions.

Around the House with KPLU 88.5
June 2007 Pots with Pizzazz. A lighthearted look at the tricks behind good design when combining plants in containers.

Around the House with KPLU 88.5
May 2007. Small Garden. Big Impact. Fabulous design needn't be limited by the size of your space. Inspiring ideas for screening, adding drama and accessorizing the smallest balcony or deck to create your own oasis.