The New Forsythias

My dog-eared  copy of Dr. Hessayon's book Trees & Shrubs (1983 edition) states that "Gardens are brightened each March and April by the masses of yellow flowers on the leafless branches [of forsythia]." It then goes on to warn of its two enemies; birds who eat the buds and gardeners who hack the shrub to…

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A visit to Himalayan Garden & Sculpture Park, Yorkshire

Home to over 80 Contemporary Sculptures set within 45 acres of breathtaking gardens, this Himalayan Garden & Sculpture Park is inspired by the Himalayas yet nestled into the picturesque Yorkshire countryside. However, when I read the gushing online reviews of rhododendrons, azaleas and the new Primula meadow, I was concerned that while this would be…

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Garden Renovation; a Phased Approach

Some projects take on a life of their own, and what began as a simple request for a consultation to brainstorm privacy ideas for a back garden quickly evolved into a discussion about much bigger problems: crumbling retaining walls, lack of a sitting area, waterlogged grass better suited to ducks than children and the most…

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Family garden makeover

2020 had many of us re-defining what was important. With movements and social interactions severely reduced, our homes became far more than just a place to eat and sleep, but also an office,  a home schooling center, and often a necessary oasis from the chaotic world beyond our borders. When a lovely family in Snohomish,…

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