Vacation-Resistant Plants

I held my breath as we pulled into our driveway fearing the worst. During our month long absence the local temperatures had been in the high 90's for extended periods with 80's the norm and no rain. I had designed our garden for both drought tolerance and deer-resistance but this would truly be a test…

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A Collector's Garden

Be warned. Gardening can become addictive! Jeanine Smith can attest to that. I recently met Jeanine at the annual conference of the American Rhododendron Society where I was a speaker. I was immediately drawn to her fun-loving personality as we chatted, so was delighted to be invited to visit her garden in Woodinville, WA while…

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Spring Celebration in the Woodland

My woodland garden has three seasons of color with spring and fall being the most vibrant and summer being a cooler oasis of green. Since I rarely venture out into that part of the garden during winter I haven't included things specifically for winter interest although there are plenty of evergreen conifers, shrubs and perennials.…

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Creating Abundance: Lessons from Great Dixter

If there is one word that sums up traditional English gardens it is "abundance". You won't find individual plants separated like little islands by oceans of bare earth. Nor will you see the extensive use of groundcovers that we are so accustomed to in America. I often describe English gardens, especially cottage gardens as "friendly":…

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Garden Screen Solutions

We all want to hide something whether it's the neighbors or the trash cans, but before you rush off to the nearest box store for a generic screen  – or plant a row of arborvitae ask yourself a few key questions: 1. How high does the screen need to be? Is this viewed from inside…

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