There's no doubt about it – change can be messy. Getting from before to after somehow always seems to involve the mid-point of being distinctively worse; that "Oh no – what have we done?" moment. I've been there many times but it never gets easier.
In my last post 'Progress' I showed you examples of our current before and after-a-little-bit projects. Clearly we're still a long way from a true 'after'.
Likewise making the transition to move my blog from one place to another has been neither clean nor straightforward. It's the equivilant (to me at least) of being up to my elbows in mud. So I beg your patience while I wash off my wellies. My old adventures will remain for you to enjoy at your leisure but I have some fun trips planned ahead for us to explore together. The essence of my blog will remain the same – insights, tips and "I wish I had known better" thoughts will be shared alsong with ideas to inspire you and stories to encourage you.
Just bear with me while I find the path!
Trail markers
1. Email subscribers should still receive my posts, although they may look a little different.
2. Followers, sadly, will suddenly find themselves missing out! Just sign up BELOW to continue with my new adventures.
3. My new blog is now with my website; the url is A one stop shop for gardening fun le jardinet style.

I like your new 'garden'…it is a good idea to combine your design web site with your blog. You have done a great job of creating a site that looks professional and attractive.
Thanks Michelle. Always a bit unnerving but most adventures are!
Ahhh the mud pile – I quite liked the moat though….:)
Well that's because you're my daughter!
Do I need to register something new on blotanical?
Hi Carolyn, no everything should be fine. I've already notified Blotanical of the change in the URL – but I'd be really grateful if you would let me know if you realize my posts aren't being pinged there. Thanks for asking!
I just read this post as well as your last one titled 'Progress'. I can certainly identify. My own gardens have been many years in the making. More recently, my Lady Garden started about three years ago, and grows slowly! I spent an enormous amount of work on it recently, and honestly a casual observer might not notice the changes. The difference between a professional like you and a do-it-yourselfer like me is that I make a lot more mistakes and learn by trial and error, so progress is even slower! I can totally see your vision for your different spaces. Already your island garden and front entry are beautiful!
The only thing that distinguishes a professional from a hobby gardener is that professionals make more expensive mistakes. You and I share a passion and a vision as well as a few 'oops' moments I'm sure.
Deb, your garden inspires me every time I see it and encourages me that eventually my garden will get 'there'. I'm so pleased to know that you can get a sense of at least its direction!
Congrats on the new garden and the new blog site. I was glad to see your response to Carolyn that Blotanical will direct us to your new site. Have fun with that garden–I miss having a big veggie plot!
Thanks for tracking me down! I must say I'm looking forward to fresh veggies more than I am to the work that still has to happen!
Very interesting info!Perfect just what I was searching for!
It appears to me that this web site doesnt load up in a Motorola Droid. Are other people having the exact same problem? I like this site and dont want to have to miss it whenever Im away from my computer.