Mission Impossible? Petunia Conversion!

"Oh boy," was my less-than-enthusiastic reaction when I opened the box of plants to trial from Proven Winners and saw several petunias. PINK petunias at that. I can't stand petunias. They get sticky, messy, don't deadhead politely, get covered in aphids, don't tolerate rain – and pink is NOT my color…
As I donned my gardening gloves and pushed my pride to one side I tried to focus on the fact that I was being asked to test these plants as a real gardener so that YOU would have an unbiased review of their performance. Sure it was going to be unbiased. I hate petunias. Did I mention that already? And I don't especially like pink. I'm not completely averse to pink – I just wouldn't choose it.
I hastily shoved them in a couple of spare pots adding whatever I could round up to work with them (did I mention that I don't "do" pink?) and set up the drip irrigation system.. I then left town for 10 days – for 8 of which it poured with rain. When I got back home did I rush out to see how they were doing? Noooo. I hunkered down in my office for another 8 days to finish writing my book, during which time it rained – a lot.
When I eventually emerged and ventured out to check on them I anticipated a sticky, molten mess. I kid you not – they were stunning. No sticky goo. No aphids.
I didn't even primp them before taking these photos – this is as real as it gets!
Et Voila: Supertunia Vista Bubblegum
Of the two, so far, I'd say Vista Bubblegum has a tidier habit – no awkward sprawly bits – and it is playing beautifully with the delicate, silver Artemisia 'Makana Silver'. And although I don't go for pink as a rule I could honestly be tempted by this one. It's a lovely clear shade of pink with deeper veins- not too bright and not too pale. I think it will hold up well to bright summer sun come August. And just one little plant is really giving a lot for the money.
….and Supertunia Vista Paradise
Supertunia Vista Paradise is a little more sprawly but not excessively so and I am deliberately not going to pinch it back as I want to see how it performs on its own. Chances are it will even out and have a similar habit to Vista Bubblegum.

Supertunia Vista Paradise with a blue fanflower (Scaevola), Sedum 'Lemon Coral' and a lovely new Angelonia called Angelface 'Steel Blue' that will be available in 2019. All except the fanflower are from Proven Winners
It's a really deep shade of neon pink that looks stunning with bolder shades of yellow and blue-purple so is a little closer to my usual color tempo. This one will be available in nurseries in 2019
Stay tuned for a late season follow up but dare I say I am impressed? By a petunia! Proven Winners – you have achieved the impossible.
This post just made me LOL! Karen pink is not my color and here I now have breast cancer. There is no justice. I decided to plant a street bed differently and yep, added Vista Bubblegum. It is THE petunia to plant (even if it's pink). I have it with 'Blueberry Sparkler' canna, 'Fireworks' pennisetum, 'Starmaker Rose' nicotiana, a white vinca and some volunteer alyssum. It's really looking smashing. Then Quin brings home a container he designed at work….you guessed it, 'Bubblegum', 'Angelina' sedum, pink/dk pink geraniums and a darker wine petunia (forgot the varieties at the moment). Dammit. I may HAVE TO like pink!
Oh Susan – only YOU could find humor in breast cancer LOL! Your combination sounds fabulous – and Quin gets a gold star. Or maybe a pink ribbon. Hugs and healing prayers for you xxx