Garden Triage for March

We finally saw blue skies in Seattle this week, so of course I rushed into the garden knowing there was a long 'to do' list to tackle. However, the reality is that I can't manage to work outside for a full day anymore, I need a tea break every two hours and after four hours…

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Garden Shows: What to Look For & Ticket Giveaway!

It's snowing outside and skies are grey, which means I'm likely to do two things: Go swimming in Puget Sound (yes, seriously), and Plan a visit to a garden show (equally seriously). If you're reading this garden blog I'm going to make the assumption that you may be more interested in the latter so let's…

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New Deer-Resistant Shrubs to Tempt you (But Not the Deer)

Deer-challenged gardeners have a somewhat reduced plant palette to choose from since the aim is to select plants that the deer will leave alone. Sadly, that means avoiding roses, hydrangeas, mock orange and camellia to name but a few. The good news is that there are still plenty of outstanding shrubs that are not only…

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10 NEW Deer-Resistant Perennials for 2025

With seed catalogs arriving daily, gardeners are in full planning and dreaming mode. As much as I enjoy growing a few things from seed it's also really exciting to be able to purchase fully grown plants and of course I want to see what is both new and deer-resistant. Proven Winners always comes up with…

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Lawn-less in Seattle!

One project often leads to another. In this instance, the construction of a workshop meant re-grading and re-thinking the back garden of a lovely  home in Sammamish, WA, a popular residential neighborhoood in the Greater Seattle area. In its favor this garden was a good size, had some interesting elevation changes and several mature trees…

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