Garden Shows: What to Look For & Ticket Giveaway!

It's snowing outside and skies are grey, which means I'm likely to do two things:
- Go swimming in Puget Sound (yes, seriously), and
- Plan a visit to a garden show (equally seriously).
If you're reading this garden blog I'm going to make the assumption that you may be more interested in the latter so let's chat about how to make the most of those visits. I have had the opportunity to attend many shows around the USA as well as in England and there are a few common themes that are worth sharing here.
Plant Fix
We are all drawn to the spring scents of daphne, sweetbox (Sarcoccoca spp.), paper bush (Edgeworthia) and hyacinths. They are a promise that these cold days will soon be behind us but it's important to remember that the gardens you will see at any show, whether the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival in Seattle or the iconic Chelsea Flower Show, are all landscape theater. They are not intended to be taken literally plant for plant. Shade and sun requirements are ignored in favor of immediate eye candy, and plants are forced to bloom at a set date rather than their natural time. Not to mention that everything is 'planted' (usually in pots in sawdust beds with a top dressing of mulch) really close together for maximum impact – very different than the spacing necessary if these were in a real garden.
Burst visual bubble aside, you can still get great ideas from the plants. What catches your eye?
Are you constantly drawn to the bright gold conifers? That could be your cue to look for a suitable specimen as it cheers you up at this time of year. Chief Joseph pine comes to mine as a great contender, or Golden Spreader fir. Smaller plants could be added to containers then transplanted into the garden when grown – a great way to spread your plant dollars and still get the plant fix.
Or maybe it's those hellebores that call your name? Is it the flower color or the foliage? Personally I love the newer hellebores with mottled and marbled leaves such as the Frostkiss series, as they offer such great color, texture and interest even when not in bloom.
Variegated winter daphne wins me over every time. I am a huge fan of the variegated foliage as well as the heady perfume of the pink-suffused-white blooms. They aren't super long-lasting but I had several that held out for over 10 years before the ice damage was just too much. (The weight of the ice caused branches to split).
Of course anything NEW is always exciting, but you are more likely to see those in the vendors booths than the show gardens.
Color Inspiration
One of the most exciting revelations when I went to the Chelsea Flower Show was seeing beautiful and unusual color schemes that I hadn't considered before. Granted, that show is in May so designers have an extended palette to select from but it really caused me to think. For example if a client asks for pastel shades, rather than automatically choosing shades of pink, white and blue I'll now show them samples of apricot, buttermilk and soft pink as seen in the photo above.

An award-winning show garden and one of my personal favorites at the 2022 Chelsea Flower Show: The Morris Garden
For those that want something bolder the Morris Garden at Chelsea will be forever etched in my mind with the rich blue and silver accented by rose and deep burgundy.
Want fun and funky? Loved the use of cool plant colors enlivened by accents of hot pink, red and orange at another Chelsea garden.
When was the last time you saw a garden like these that really made you say "Wow – why didn't I think of that?"
Design Innovation
Patios, pathways, pergolas, and water features: all common garden elements, but as with the color schemes we can easily fall into a design rut. Garden Shows are the perfect wake up call to get you out of that fog. The scale of these elements at the show may not be suitable for your garden but perhaps some detail speaks to you? Maybe the way the beams intersect on an arbor? Or a material used for a pergola? Perhaps the way a rill navigates the grade? Take lots of photographs to help you research more later. Grab a brochure so you can contact the designer to ask more questions. Take notes so that you can chat to professionals to help you realize your vision if you're not a designer yourself.
I'm a lifelong learner – and the garden has taught me a lot, especially humility! Many garden shows feature top notch educational seminars and demonstrations which are worth the admission price alone. You'll learn from presenters who are well-respected in their field and who love to share their knowledge. Glean tips on everything from edibles to house plants, natives to wildlife management.
Interested in creating a garden that is beautiful but that the deer will leave alone? Join me at the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival (NWFGF) on opening day, Wednesday February 19th at 2.45pm where I'll be presenting Designing with Deer-Resistant Flowers. Or check out the amazing 2025 speaker line up here.
Enjoy container gardening? Look for demonstrations or if you're heading to the NWFGF be sure to stop by the Container Showdown where you'll be entertained while you watch the feud (I know, because I've done this several times and it's all lots of fun).
Retail Therapy
What to do when the weather isn't conducive to gardening? Shopping for the garden of course! Plants, tools, bulbs, seeds, art, gifts….it's all there. Personally, at the NWFGF I always head to Christianson's Nursery booth. Not only is it one of the most beautiful displays but I always find new-to-me plants there. Their nursery is in Mt. Vernon which is a long drive for me – the Seattle show brings them much closer. Ravenna Nursery is another must-stop for garden related gifts and their merchandising skills are always a showstopper.
I've bought countless pieces of jewelry from Nature's Creations over the years. My ginkgo earrings are commented on every time I wear them and their brooches are perfect for a jacket lapel. Plus the owner, Dennis is a really nice guy. I see this year they are including some new items with a sea-life theme…ooh. Maybe my love of gardening and swimming will become aligned that day?!
Ticket Giveaway
I'm giving away two pairs of tickets to the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival which can be used on any day. Just leave me a comment below telling me why you're excited to visit.
I'll use a random number generator to draw TWO winners on Tuesday February 11th at 7am Pacific time. I'll post the winners names on here and will contact them via email.
If you win the tickets you will have 48 hours to respond to my message, after which they will be forfeited and another name will be drawn.
Tickets will be provided via digital download and will be free of charge.
THE WINNERS ARE: Christa and Natalie! Congratulations. I have emailed you both.
Come to Chelsea with Me!
Here's another way to enjoy a show – and possibly the ultimate of garden shows: come to RHS Chelsea Flower Show with me! I have just two spots left for my tour this May which includes a full day at the show, RHS membership for one year and a whole itinerary of other exciting destinations.
Which garden shows are you planning to attend this year?
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Im going to the northwest garden show for ideas about refurbishing my garden.
My favorite spring project.
Garden dreaming is such fun – and the show is a great place for new ideas
I would love to attend your seminar as well as engage in some retail therapy.
Be sure to come and say hello if you come!
WISH I could attend! A bit tricky from east to west this year. When our leaning trees from the Helene storm comes down, I'm going to attempt putting in meadows, despite the deer (y'all can peay for this)! But I'm really enjoying the photos here! I bet in person is simply overwhelming! AND, I (for one) do not mindcalso hearing about your swimming accomplishments! And i don't belueve I'm related to Healther Martin. Just coincidence, I think!
Hi Cat, thanks for sharing your garden plans. Since I know you can't attend this show I wont include your name in the drawing.
Same here. Especially my containers!
I still have Xmas things in mine LOL!
I love getting inspiration for container gardens and always come away with new garden art.
Its a shopportunity for sure 🙂
I have been following you and own your books and online container classes. I have learned so much! I have never been to the NWFGF but have always wanted to go. Maybe this is the year.
Aww thank you! Hope this is your year!
Wonderful! Good advice not to take the plant design too seriously!
Yes it trips a few people up so always worth the reminder. Good luck with the drawing
I have attended the NWGardenshow for decades , taking copious notes and photos with new ideas to incorporate in my gardens! Also volunteered at the NPA Booth, showing up at 7AM to take in the Display Gardens without people!!! True eye and senses candy!❤️
Looking forward to seeing you there Christa – good luck
I’m always looking for ideas to refresh parts of my property especially around my outdoor patio.
The show is a great place to go for that – good luck!
I've had enough cold wet dark and know no better place to dispel this seasonal malaise
Well you COULD jump in the water with me??? See you at the show at least I hope
I am planning to replace a front yard lawn with trees, dwarf conifers, perennials, and grasses. The NWFGF is the place for inspiration and shopping for plants. I also enjoy booths with garden art and wearable art. I have a gingko pin from Nature's Creations and earrings from Imaginations. Very important to me is the ability to talk with gardening experts and attend lectures: always something new to learn!
Sounds like you need to plan a two day visit! Good luck with the drawing
Attending the NWFGF makes Spring feel like it's almost here. I love the Vendors, display gardens, educational seminars and the whole gardening vibe. It's a must see experience.
Totally agree! Good luck
My friend of 50 years now lives in Seattle (we met at PSU in Portland where I still live) – we would love to spend a day together at the NWFGF 🙂
Ooh wouldn't that be fun!!
The show refreshes not only my gardening inspiration bucket but also refreshes my soul in all the beauty it holds! Thank you for the comment to be aware these gardens are for show and concentrated beauty, and not reasonable to actually think I could create in a real garden! That took a big weight off my heart! LOL!
Ha – I'm with you there!
I love the garden inspiration there and the fabulous shopping! It’s a perfect winter pick me up!
Same for me!
The Seattle show is the highlight of my winter. I go with several friends every year from here on Lopez Island.
That's quite a journey! I hope you stay over at least one night.
I would love to attend the NW garden show with a fellow garden friend. I’ve never been to that area of the US and would love to visit the area as well. Cheers to getting away from the doldrums of winter!
I hope this is the year for you!
It has been 10 years since I’ve gone to the show and now I live on acreage with lots of room for planting (and deer! Love all your deer resistant ideas!) so it is time to go back to the event
I hope you go! If you attend my talk on the Wednesday please stop by and say hello. I'll be at the book signing table after the talk too.
I would love to go to the Flower and Garden Show – Seattle. It is always a good jolt of Spring and a head start on summer bulbs, seeds and garden art. The lectures have always been top notch also.
Good luck!