Posts Tagged ‘wildlife’
New Deer-Resistant Shrubs to Tempt you (But Not the Deer)
Deer-challenged gardeners have a somewhat reduced plant palette to choose from since the aim is to select plants that the deer will leave alone. Sadly, that means avoiding roses, hydrangeas, mock orange and camellia to name but a few. The good news is that there are still plenty of outstanding shrubs that are not only…
Read MoreCaisson Gardens – a hidden gem
As our coach inched its way down the narrow country lane, the tall hedgerows of hawthorn and cow parsley on either side creating a leafy green tunnel, our sense of anticipation grew. When the coach could go no further, our adventurous tour guests hiked the last 0.2 miles on foot, before finally reaching the driveway…
Read MoreDeer-Resistant Bloomin' Easy Favorites
It's always exciting to visit nurseries where great plants are grown so it was a special treat to be invited to the 50th Celebration of Van Belle Nursery, the home of Bloomin' Easy plants in Abbotsford, British Columbia recently. I first visited as a consultant in 2014 when I taught a container design workshop to…
Read MoreGateway Wildlife Garden – Chelsea 2023
It's a balance. I want to create habitat for wildlife – but that doesn't mean I want to live in an overgrown 5-acre field. I therefore designed the gardens closest to our home to be more ornamental, featuring some of my favorite deer-resistant trees, shrubs and perennials, with a mid-point transition area consisting of a…
Read MoreBefore & After: front garden makeover
There comes a point when you just need to start again – and that was essentially the verdict after visiting this Seattle garden. A combination of overgrown shrubs, inadequate pathways, and piecemeal 'fixes' just weren't cutting it anymore. The homeowner loves the outdoors and wanted the garden to be naturalistic in design, featuring layers of…
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