A Movable Feast

I have just returned from a week long trip to Florida which for this Seattle-ite was pure horticultural eye candy! (I was speaking on the HGTV designer stage at the Epcot International Garden and Flower Festival for three days) . Everywhere I looked there were houseplants – growing as hedges or clambering up trees! Even…

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Container Creations – inspiration for Spring!

The nurseries are filling with the colors and scents of spring, the birds are singing and I find every excuse to be outside working in my garden rather than sitting at a computer. It's a time of anticipation – what 2015 new releases will growers ask me to trial this season? What color combinations shall…

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Fit for a Princess

It's raining – again. Trying to work in the garden at this time of year means donning full waterproofs and accepting I'm going to be as muddy as the dogs by the time I come back indoors. Those on the east coast are probably jealous of my mud, however,  since they haven't seen the ground…

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My 3 Favorite Patio Ideas from the NWFGS

The Northwest Flower and Garden Show is a highlight in the Seattle gardening calendar with an exciting blend of the 'out of this world' (and budget), innovative, thought provoking and great ideas for ongoing projects in our own garden. These are my top 3 'take-away' patio ideas. That's not to say that they are all…

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Stock Up Your Garden Pantry

It's no use trying to make spaghetti sauce if you've run out of garlic and onions. You need to plan ahead and have what you need to hand. Gardening tends to be the same way. How often have you decided to plant your containers only to discover you don't have fertilizer? Or suddenly find a…

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