New Year – New Opportunities; join me!


The Christmas decorations are packed away in the barn for another year and I'm back to work, excited for all the things ahead.

I'm not one for resolutions, except for perhaps re-committing to myself, my family, and to you to always give my best. My parents instilled their sense of integrity and strong work ethic into me by daily example and it's a lesson I took to heart. It means that I sometimes say "no thank you" to invitations or opportunities that come my way, knowing that for whatever reason I cannot give myself 100% to that project. But you can bet that leaves me raring to go and give 110% to everything I say "YES!" to.

Here are my 2018 "yes's"

Peeking into one of the gardens that will be featured in my new book

Peeking into one of the gardens that will be featured in my new book – designed by Pam Penick, TX

  • Completing the manuscript and photography for my third book Deer Resistant Drama (Timber Press) by August 1st. So excited to visit gardens in Michigan and New Jersey to wrap things up!
  • Speaking to many groups large and small in WA, DC, ID and beyond. Check out my event listing to see if I'll be near you or see how to schedule a talk.
  • Writing a new series of articles for Sunset Plants (LOVE some of their treasures,  especially the Platinum Beauty lomandra and Clarity Blue dianella)
  • Scripting and acting as Assistant Director for a series of new gardening videos to be filmed in the UK in August. Will share more as I'm able – so excited about this project!
  • Traveling to the California Spring Trials in April at the invitation of the National Garden Bureau and All America Selections (can't wait to share all their new plants with you!)
  • Launching my new series of short online courses  to help gardeners be successful. (See my sneak peak video) An invitation to register for 'Secrets to Selecting Low Maintenance Plants' will be going out to newsletter subscribers soon. Are you a newsletter subscriber? Don't miss out – sign up here.

A New Look

You may have also noticed a change in my logo. Le jardinet started as a custom container garden design business in 2006 but that has since evolved to include a blend of services and resources that help gardeners, from landscape design to gardening books, seminars and even online learning opportunities.



What do you think? I've also updated the menu for the website itself to better reflect this evolution, now using headings Designer, Speaker, Author to help you navigate more easily.

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I commented to a friend last summer that I felt as though "I was where I was supposed to be". This balance between hands-on design/creativity and teaching (whether orally or in writing), is one that energizes me. I feel I am truly sharing my passion and empowering others, and that in turn means I'm giving my best – which is where we started.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I'm honored that you take a few moments out of your day to both cheer me on and to see how I can help you in your endeavor to create a garden that you can be proud of, can manage with a smile, and becomes your oasis.

In my next blog post I'll be getting back to garden design ideas and it's one you won't want to miss. I'll be reviewing Susan Morrison's latest book The Less Is More Garden – big ideas for designing your small yard (Timber Press, 2018) as well as offering a copy to one lucky winner. It's beautiful, imaginative, inspiring and practical.

Here's the video trailer!

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  1. Nancy Buley on January 9, 2018 at 8:54 am

    Karen, Thanks for sharing your expertise and creativity. Here's to a great 2018!

    • Karen Chapman on January 9, 2018 at 12:54 pm

      Thanks Nancy! Excited to "walk the gardens" with you this year

  2. Deborah Dean on January 9, 2018 at 4:34 pm

    Karen, I’m so excited to hear of all these wonderful opportunities for you and your business. I really miss your container classes. I have not found anyone here in Michigan with your level of expertise and excitement.

    • Karen Chapman on January 14, 2018 at 8:12 pm

      Hi friend! Miss you!! You can have me 'on demand' with my new container course 🙂 If you ever get back this way let's meet for coffee.